War Thunder - Apache Pack

  1. The Israeli AH-64A Peten modification of the legendary Apache helicopter, combined with 15 days of Premium Account and 2000 Golden Eagles for crushing the enemy in the top ranks of War Thunder!
  2. Developed during the mid 1970's, the AH-64 Apache represents one of the most widely used and recognizable attack helicopters in the world. Several version will be added to War Thunder, the basic version AH-64A, the upgraded AH-64D 'Longbow', the British.
  3. T-72AV (TURMS-T) Pack War Thunder. Open Golden eagles. Open Premium account. Open Special offers.
  4. This pack includesbrbrHelicopter AH-64A Peten Rank 6, USAbrPremium account for 15 daysbr2000 Golden Eagles.brbrAll premium vehicles allow you to earn increased Research Points and Silver Lions for each battle and comes furnished with all available modifications.brbrWith a Premium account also purchasable in the game for Golden Eagles you will earn more Research Points and Silver Lions during.
2 peopleCrew
Flight characteristics

YES, Apache next update That's all i need to say Ah yes, a 1980s helicopter is def better than the 2010 AH-1Z No really, the Apache has to be one of the most overhyped things this game has seen and I can't wait until people get it and realise just how bad it is. You call it bad yet I doubt you have the AH-1Z to compare it with an AH-64D.

Speed of destruction
420 km/hGear
30 mm M230E-1 cannonWeapon 1
625 shots/minFire rate
76 x 70 mm Hydra-70 M247 rocketSetup 1
8 x AGM-114B Hellfire missiles
38 x 70 mm Hydra-70 M247 rocket
Setup 2
4 x AIM-92 Stinger air-to-air missilesSetup 4
4 x AIM-92 Stinger air-to-air missiles
76 x 70 mm Hydra-70 M247 rocket
Setup 5
4 x AIM-92 Stinger air-to-air missiles
16 x AGM-114B Hellfire missiles
Setup 6
1670000 Experts
232 × 2 % Reward for battle
  • 2General info
  • 3Armaments
  • 4Usage in battles


The AH-64A Peten is a premium gift rank VI American attack helicopter with a battle rating of 10.3 (AB/RB/SB). It was introduced in Update 1.97 'Viking Fury'.

General info

Flight performance

The AH-64A Peten is one of the fastest helicopters in the game as it has a very powerful engine, which also gives the Peten a good climb rate. Manoeuvrability at high speed is excellent.

Characteristics Max Speed
(km/h at 1,000 m)
Max altitude
Stock 275 257 5,400
Upgraded 324 300

Survivability and armour

The Peten is a very tough helicopter, and can usually take a couple of hits from air-to-air missiles and small-calibre cannon rounds and still fly. The crew is very well protected, so getting pilot-sniped is a rare occurrence. The engines can also usually take a hit or two without exploding like other engines.


Offensive armament

Main article: M230E-1 (30 mm)

The AH-64A Peten (USA) is armed with:

  • 1 x 30 mm M230E-1 cannon, chin turret (1,200 rpg)

The Peten has the same 30 mm cannon as the other Apaches in the game currently, and only has one belt choice. The belt carries only HEDP rounds, and can penetrate up to 51 mm of armour. The gun is fast firing, but relatively inaccurate, so shooting in close range is the best way to hit your target. If you don't mind the inaccuracy of the gun, it is a very good weapon all around. It can be locked in gunner and 3rd person view and will automatically track the target.

Suspended armament

Main articles: AIM-92 Stinger, AGM-114B Hellfire, Hydra-70 M247

The AH-64A Peten (USA) can be outfitted with the following ordnance:

  • 76 x Hydra-70 M247 rockets
  • 8 x AGM-114B Hellfire missiles + 38 x Hydra-70 M247 rockets
  • 16 x AGM-114B Hellfire missiles
  • 4 x AIM-92 Stinger missiles
  • 4 x AIM-92 Stinger missiles + 76 x Hydra-70 M247 rockets
  • 16 x AGM-114B Hellfire missiles + 4 x AIM-92 Stinger missiles

The Peten can carry up to 16 Hellfire ATGMs with over 1,000 mm of pen, 76 Hydra rockets with over 200 mm of pen, or 4 Stinger AAMs. The weapons are carried on the stub wings and can be carried in several different variations. The Hellfires are excellent missiles, although since the player must keep 'painting' a laser beam on the target, misses can occur if the target lock slips. The Hydra rockets are generally very effective, especially when used with the ballistic computer. 76 rockets is enough for 3-5 tanks if they are used by an experienced player. However, the Stinger AAMs are not the best in the game by any stretch, with relatively little explosive mass and only a 10G overload. They may take 2-3 hits to damage aircraft, and heavily armoured helicopters such as the Mi-28 may survive multiple hits.

Usage in battles


The AH-64A Peten is an excellent helicopter for attacking ground targets, and can also hold its own against many enemy aircraft. Through adequate use of cover, teamwork, and game sense, the Apache can easily dismantle enemy teams. An Apache pilot must understand all of the tools at their disposal. The only difference between the Peten and the tech tree AH-64A is that the Peten lacks access to the AIM-9L Sidewinders as an ordnance option.

The Apache has an arsenal of weapons. The most effective anti-tank weapon in the Apache's arsenal is the AGM-114 Hellfire, which uses a top attack trajectory to destroy ground vehicles. There is functionally very little difference between the AGM-114B and K variants, used on early and late Apaches respectively.

Staying Alive:

Flying the Apache effectively can be more difficult than most players would imagine. Trying to deal with threats from enemy air and ground vehicles while continuing to attack the enemy team can be difficult. If distracted, a pilot can quickly lose situational awareness. Being successful in the Apache requires situational awareness above all else. Due to the fragility of the helicopter, any blindspot can lead to a quick and sudden death. Additionally, the mobility of the Apache is adequate but not impressive, so evasive manoeuvres are not always effective.

Using cover is a very important part of staying alive in the Apache. Always stay behind a hill or building in ground battles. When exposing yourself in order to fire on the enemy, be mindful to not gain too much altitude. Most importantly, Always listen to your RWR. If you hear an alarm, take evasive action immediately.

Additionally, it is important to know when to use flares. Flares are extremely effective against heat-seeking missiles, but useless against any other missiles. It is the responsibility of the Apache pilot to recognize the threat and decide whether to use flares or not.

Air-to-Air (Stinger and Gun):

The Apache is surprisingly potent in air-to-air combat. Engagements should be conducted primarily through the use of the AIM-92 Stinger missiles. The Stinger is a simple but effective air-to-air missile. It has an excellent seeker head and can obtain all aspect lock on almost any air target within 3-5 km (even propeller aircraft with a low heat signature). However, the Stinger can be easily fooled by flares or outmanoeuvred by a fast enemy aircraft. The best way to use the Stinger against enemy aircraft is when they are heading directly towards you. If fired at the right second, most enemies will struggle to dodge a Stinger.

If the enemy gets close, the 30 mm autocannon can be extremely effective. The gun will automatically aim with optical lock, so Apache pilots can aim accurately while taking evasive manoeuvres.

Close Range Air-to-Ground (Gun and Rockets):

At close range, the Apache has excellent offensive capability. The 30 mm autocannon is incredibly accurate even at surprisingly far distances. This cannon uses a High Explosive Dual Purpose round that can engage lightly armoured targets. Rocket pods can also be used, with the CCIP computer helping maintain accuracy even at further distances. Be careful when trying to use the Hellfire missile at close range. It can do a direct attack at closer ranges (rather than its usual top attack) but if fired at an odd angle, it may not have time to manoeuvre onto the target if fired at closer ranges.

The problem with trying to engage at close range is that doing so will put the Apache in huge amounts of danger. Enemy tanks will be able to quickly destroy the Apache with their main guns or anti-aircraft machine guns.

Long Range Air-to-Ground (Hellfire):

At longer ranges, the Hellfire missile can be used to full effect. The Hellfire will guide on its target as shown in the attached diagram. This is known as top attack. Being that it takes this path to the enemy target, the Hellfire can take upward of 30 seconds to reach its target at longer ranges. Do not fire at enemies that are about to move to cover, and make sure to fire multiple missiles at once in order to deal maximum damage. Because the Hellfire is laser guided, multiple missiles can be fired at once. They should be fired at intervals of 5-10 seconds, where between missiles the Apache can switch to a new ground target. This will allow for the quick destruction of multiple enemies. This tactic can be incredibly effective. Although the time to target for the most recently fired Hellfire is available on the HUD, pilots will have to keep track of all the missiles they have fired by memory and quick calculations.

Combatting enemy anti-aircraft vehicles can be a challenge. Always remain in cover and move unpredictably in combat. Use the radar warning receiver to obtain the general direction of enemy AA, and then attack with a Hellfire. An effective strategy is to fire a Hellfire, break optical lock to gain cover and avoid counterfire, and then pop back up and get lock again several seconds before the Hellfire hits. This strategy if applied correctly will result in a hit, as the Hellfire is smart enough to begin following the laser designator again once the Apache re-obtains its lock.


Tier Flight performance Survivability Weaponry
I Compressor Flak jacket Flares
II Helicopter frame IRCM AGM-114
III Engine Replacing helicopter blades NVD AGM-114 2 New 30 mm cannons
IV Cover AIM-92 Stinger
This is a premium vehicle: all modifications are unlocked on purchase

Pros and cons


  • Activation of 3rd person lock by changing MFD on the pilot's view
  • Very high top speed, if you stay low or high you are always the most manoeuvrable
  • Amazing 30 mm cannon, can easily take out most tanks, and when locked can take out jets and helicopters too
  • Excellent secondary armament
  • Can carry up to 16 Hellfires and still carry AAMs
  • Can use ballistic computer to dramatically increase the effectiveness of Hydra rockets
  • Can lock targets for 30 mm cannon to automatically track
  • Excellent thermals
  • Well armoured for a helicopter, can take 2-3 critical hits to take it down, may survive hits from SAM's.


  • Stinger air to air missiles don't have a reliable lock, and not enough explosive mass to do any real damage
  • Hellfires rarely hit other helicopters, and are difficult to guide to air targets anyway
  • Does not have as many armament options as non-premium AH-64s
  • 30 mm cannon only can access default belt
  • 30 mm cannon is relatively inaccurate
  • AAMs cannot reliably take down armoured helicopters



Israeli involvement in the Apache programs goes back to June 1983, when a prototype for the AH-64A Apache was sent to Israel for flight testing (by Israeli pilots) and testing of the aircraft in desert conditions. The testing directly resulted in a recommendation by the Israeli Air Force (IAF) for purchase of the Apache in order to increase the IAF’s anti-tank capabilities.

Israel became the first nation to have received the AH-64A Apache - other than the US - on 11 September 1990, when the first helicopter arrived. The first nation on the list for export had been Kuwait, but when Iraq invaded Kuwait in August 1990 the order was delayed. The first two helicopters were assembled in eleven hours - half the time that McDonnell Douglas recommended - and they arrived a day before the planned welcoming ceremony. By 2000, the IAF was operating 42 AH-64As. The AH-64A in Israeli service is known as the AH-64A Peten, which translates to ‘Cobra’.

The AH-64A was put into service, and its first combat action occurred on 24 October 1990, with an attack on suspected terrorist positions. AH-64A Petens were used heavily during the 1993 Operation Accountability in Lebanon. They also participated in the 1996 Operation Grapes of Wrath against Hezbollah in Lebanon. On 13 April 1996, AH-64s killed six civilians when they fired two Hellfire missiles at an ambulance. Israeli AH-64s were used to kill senior figures in Hamas during the al-Aqsa Intifada in the 2000’s. During the 2006 Lebanon War, IAF Apaches were used again to launch strikes against Hezbollah in Lebanon. The Apache saw heavy combat during the 2008 Operation Cast Lead, fighting against Hamas in Gaza. Israeli Apaches have been used to patrol the skies of Gaza, and often carried out strikes there against insurgents.

The IAF AH-64A began to be upgraded to the AH-64Ai standard in 2013, comparable to the AH-64D - which has also been used by the IAF since 2005. The IAF currently operates over 40 AH-64 helicopters in two squadrons.


Excellent additions to the article would be video guides, screenshots from the game, and photos.

See also

Links to the articles on the War Thunder Wiki that you think will be useful for the reader, for example:

  • reference to the series of the helicopter;
  • links to approximate analogues of other nations and research trees.

External links

War Thunder Apache Pack

Paste links to sources and external resources, such as:

  • topic on the official game forum;
  • encyclopedia page on the helicopter;
  • other literature.

Boeing Aircraft
Fighters P-26A-33 ·P-26A-34 M2 ·P-26B-35
Bombers B-17E ·B-17E/L ·B-17G-60-VE
Export P-26A-34
Captured ▅B-17E
▂Tu-4* ·␗Tu-4*
*Unlicensed Reverse-Engineered B-29
Attack AH-64A ·AH-64D
Export / Licensed AH-64A Peten ·▄WAH-64D ·▅AH-64DJP
See AlsoTupolev Design Bureau ·Westland Helicopters ·Fuji Heavy Industries
For Boeing-built ships, see Boeing Marine Branch

USA helicopters
Attack AH-1F ·AH-1G ·AH-1Z ·AH-64A ·AH-64A Peten ·AH-64D ·H-34
Utility UH-1B ·UH-1C ·UH-1C XM-30

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War Thunder Game Xbox


This pack includes:

AH-64A Peten (Rank 6, USA);
2000 Golden Eagles;
Premium account for 15 days;

In the early 70’s the US Army Command defined requirements for a prospective fire support helicopter, that’s major task was to eliminate tanks in any weather, aided by counter-air defence and electronic warfare equipment. In September 1983, after a series of tests, the first production model AH-64A “Apache” was accepted into service in the US Army. The AH-64A Peten is an Israeli modification, armed with a powerful 30mm M230E-1 single-barrelled chain-driven autocannon with HEDP rounds, mounted on a chin turret, allowing the helicopter to execute aimed fire on light-armored targets. As for the guided armament, the AH-64A Peten can be equipped with up to 16 laser guided AGM-114 Hellfire ATGM’s or with up to four air-to-air guided missiles AIM-92 Stingers and also, the helicopter can carry up to 76 Hydra-70 unguided rockets.

• Helicopters have their own research tree, however they use the aviation crew skills.
• In the Events menu there are special Helicopter battles and Tank Simulator Battles available. You can’t use helicopters in any Air gamemodes.
• In Tank Realistic battles you have to earn spawn points with ground vehicle first in order to use a helicopter with ATGMs from your line-up. Helicopters with unguided weaponry can be spawned in the beginning of the match.
• In Tank Arcade battles, random helicopters are used in kill-streaks in high-BR matches. You will not earn research progress towards helicopters while using a streak.

All premium vehicles allow you to earn increased Research Points and Silver Lions for each battle and comes furnished with all available modifications.

With a Premium account (also purchasable in the game for Golden Eagles) you will earn more Research Points and Silver Lions during each battle for a set amount of days. This is cumulative with bonuses from premium vehicles!

• Online co-op (2-8)
• Online multiplayer (2-32)


ATTENTION! This is a Pre-Order!
The keys have a regional limitation for activation will need a VPN.

Key activation region: Turkey
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Please note, after the payment you will receive a unique 16-digit code, which must be reported on the purchase page, the link to the page will be sent to an email (the received code is not an xbox activation code, it serves only to verify the order).
After verification of your unique code, we will send you the paid key in correspondence and to the email specified at payment.
The key delivery speed depends on order time and operator workload.
The maximum delivery time for a paid key is 24 hours after receiving a unique code from a customer.
We ship orders from 8-00 to 23-00 Moscow time.

We can cancel your order if there was an error in price. Although we make every effort to ensure that all prices quoted are accurate, errors are likely to occur.

War Thunder - Apache Packs

Link to item in MS Store: https://www.microsoft.com/p/item/9NNNSP0BRMK0